Motivated buyers
Chances are, if buyers are shopping for real estate in November, they’ve got a pretty good reason—like a timely life event—or perhaps they finally have the free time to look. Regardless of the reason, if buyers are looking for someone selling a house in November, they are truly motivated.
Buyers sometimes postpone their search until after the busy season to find a motivated seller who has realistically priced the home to sell. In spring and summer months, sellers run the risk of attracting not-so-serious buyers. These so-called “tire-kickers,” tend to come out of the woodwork when the weather is nice, more out of curiosity than real desire to purchase a home. So in some ways, fall is really prime time for truly serious buyers.
Year-end tax breaks
Selling a house in November means that the purchase may come with attractive tax breaks including:
- Deductions for points
- Interest
- Property taxes.
A buyer may also be motivated to buy a new home to avoid paying capital gains on the proceeds from the sale of a house they closed on in the preceding summer. There are a host of deductions that the IRS allows for homeowners. You can help educate your clients with a little research about the IRS’s Information for Homeowners. This information can help provide more convincing reasons why November and December are great times to sell a home—and a great time to buy one too.
Don’t Worry, Be Warranty
One tip to steer your client in the right direction is to suggest an American Home Shield® home warranty or a Real Estate Sellers’ Plan to their listing as another smart way to entice buyers. It shows good faith and offers an assurance to buyers that home appliances and/or major components of home systems will be covered and fall under their American Home Shield home warranty for the first year of ownership. No matter the season, a home warranty makes sense for sellers and buyers during any real estate transaction.
Source: https://zillow.mediaroom.com/2024-03-07-Homes-listed-for-sale-in-early-June-sell-for-7,700-more